The Lord’s Supper: Part Four

The Lord’s Supper: Part Four

By Pastor Josh Wamble


At the beginning of the month, we started a short series exploring what the Bible says and what Christians have thought about the Lord’s Supper throughout history.  If you have missed some of these services, you can listen to the audio of them here:  Part One: 2/5/23, Part Two: 2/12/23, Part Three: 2/19/23, and Part Four: 2/26/23.  You can also read summaries of the first three parts here: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.


This past Sunday, we spent a little over an hour with all four of our pastors on stage together discussing and answering questions posed by our congregation relating to the topic of the Lord’s Supper.  This is something that we only do twice each year.  If you were not able to attend that service in person, we hope that you will find some time to watch or listen sometime this week.  Again, you can find the link here.