Sabbatical Pastor Jake Beattie The Bible says a lot on the topic of rest. We see from the opening pages of the Bible that God himself [...]
Work and Recovery: New Life from a Garden Plot
Today's blog post is from our Minister of Music/College Ministry leader, Andrew Crawford. Most of you know me as the Music minister here at FBC Fairdale, but [...]
Why is it Good that God is Three in One?
Why is it Good that God is Three in One? By Pastor Josh Wamble Last week we spent some time thinking about what the Bible says [...]
What Does the Bible Say About the Trinity?
What Does the Bible Say About the Trinity? By Pastor Josh Wamble Much of the Bible is simple and easy to understand even if it is [...]
Three Reasons to Prioritize Sunday Evening Worship
Three Reasons to Prioritize Sunday Evening Worship By Pastor Josh Wamble It seems like families these days are busier than they have ever been before. With [...]
Three Ways to Prepare for Church
Three Ways to Prepare for Church By Pastor Josh Wamble I wonder if you have ever heard the saying, “Sunday morning church is a Saturday night [...]