Study through Isaiah: Isaiah 1:10-17
Recently, we began studying the book of Isaiah in Sunday School. This class meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 in the basement, and all adults are welcomed [...]
Honoring a Terrific Grandfather
Today, February 2, 2021, Groundhogs’ Day is my maternal grandfather’s birthday—Grandaddy Hinson. If he had lived this long, he would have been 90 years old today. He [...]
They Made It Easy
Recently, we have had a number of older people at the church pass away, move away, move into a nursing home, or something else to that effect. [...]
Private Worship
I don’t know what your devotion or individual worship practices look like, but I hope you have one! As followers of Jesus, we value worshipping together as [...]
Six Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible: Part Four
Hopefully you all are reading the bible regularly in your homes. As believers in Jesus, we should all love him and his word. As the psalmist says, it should [...]
Six Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible: Part Three
Hopefully you all are reading the bible regularly in your homes. As believers in Jesus, we should all love him and his word. As the psalmist says, [...]