Zephaniah 3:17

By Pastor Josh Wamble


During our Sunday evening services, we have been preaching through the whole Bible one book per week.  This past Sunday, Robbie Hughes preached through the book of Zephaniah.  That sermon was really good.  If you were not at that service, you can watch or listen to his sermon here.  One verse from Zephaniah stuck out to me, and I have been thinking about it for the last few days.  Zephaniah 3:17 says,

17The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

There are four things in this one verse that I want to point out.


1.  God is with His People

The God of the Bible is the one true God who created the world and all that is in it.  He is high and lifted up and rules over the whole creation in His might and wisdom.  He is the Lord who has all authority.  But that does not mean, that God is aloof or unapproachable.  Zephaniah says that this glorious God who is exalted above all things is also “in your midst.”  The One who is high and lifted up has brought Himself low to be with His people.


2.  God is Mighty to Save His People

The thought of God bringing Himself near is troubling or scary until we read the next phrase that Zephaniah writes.  He identifies God as the “mighty one who will save.”  This holy and righteous God has come into our midst not to judge but to save.  This is unbelievably good news and the very heart of the gospel—the Judge of all the earth has drawn near to His people offering salvation not judgment!


3.  God Rejoices over His People

Further, God does not work for the salvation of His people begrudgingly.  Zephaniah writes, “he will rejoice over you with gladness” and “he will exult over you with loud singing.”  On Sunday night, Robbie pointed out to us that Zephaniah is explaining salvation to us from God’s point of view.  God loves His people.  He rejoices over His people with gladness and exults over them by singing loudly.  If you are one of God’s people, He delights in you.  This is the source of His saving work and not the result of it.  He wants to do good to you and for you more than you want good things for yourself.


4.  God Quiets His People

Finally, we see the result of these truths.  God is with His people, He is mighty to save His people, and He rejoices over His people.  If this is true, then we can be quieted by his love.  One translation says, “with his love, he will calm all your fears.”  We can rely on God.  Even when situations in life are troubling and seem out of control, we can trust that God is ultimately for His people and will take care of us.


The holy, righteous, mighty, powerful, wise, authoritative God of the universe is on your side and working for your good and your satisfaction.  Rely on Him.  Count on Him.  Rest in Him.  Even when life is crazy and seems out of control, even when you can’t see how or where God is working, even when you are tempted to think that God has forgotten you or forsaken you, trust that He is in your midst, that He is your mighty savior, and that He is rejoicing over you with gladness and loud singing!